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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997) - S05E13 Drama(110)Lucifer (2015) - S03E19 Orange Is the New Maze(68)Lucifer (2016) - S02E01(64)Lucifer (2015) - S05E05 Detective Amenadiel(61)Lucifer (2015) - S03E15 High School Poppycock(59)Lucifer (2016) - S02E02 Fantasy(49)Lucifer (2016) - S02E17 Fantasy(49)Lucifer (2015) - S03E25 Boo Normal(46)Lucifer (2015) - S06E04 Pin the Tail on the Daddy(46)Lucifer (2015) - S05E13 A Little Harmless Stalking(45)Lucifer (2016) - S01E03 Fantasy(44)Lucifer (2016) - S02E15 Fantasy(44)Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997) - S06E21 Drama(43)Lucifer (2015) - S04E01 Everything's Okay(43)Lucifer (2015) - S03E08 Chloe Does Lucifer(41)Lucifer (2015) - S05E14 Nothing Lasts Forever(41)Lucifer (2016) - S02E10(40)Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997) - S04E07 Drama(40)Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997) - S06E20 Drama(39)Ghosts (2019) - S02E06 Perfect Day(39)