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The Departed (2006)(2047)The Guardian (2006)(1585)The Prestige (2006)(1575)Blast from the Past (1999)(1541)The Devil Wears Prada (2006)(1512)The Black Dahlia (2006) (1470)Man of the Year (2006)(1458)The Offer (2022) - S01E09 It's Who We Are(1412)Knight Rider (1982) - S03E01 Knight of the Drones(1059)The Boys (2019) - S03E01 Payback(993)Lucifer (2015) - S05E04 It Never Ends Well for the Chicken(959)The Good Place (2016) - S03E01 Everything Is Bonzer!(957)The Haunting of Bly Manor () - S01E04 The Way It Came(872)Grey's Anatomy (2005) - S11E01 I Must Have Lost It In The Wind(843)Paper Girls (2022) - S01E04 It Was Never About the Corn(837)The Nativity Story (2006)(827)The Flash (2014) - S03E01(798)Voice from the Stone(773)Knight Rider (1982) - S04E06 The Wrong Crowd(742)Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997) - S03E01(702)